自上映以来,《哪吒2》票房势如破竹迪士尼彩乐园微信群,一次又一次地刷新票房记载。也成为连年来,外媒关注度最高的国产电影。 与此同期,外媒的关注点在于,这部电影在国际电影阛阓也已矣了一个突破:成为2025年天下首个票房突破10亿好意思元的电影,而它,果然并不是来自好莱坞的。 ![]() Screen Rant:2025年还是有了第一部10亿好意思元的电影,以致不是来自好莱坞 ▊“果然不是来自好莱坞的” 好意思国线上文娱新闻网站Screen Rant写说念:票房达到10亿好意思元并非易事,天下只须58部电影达到,而它们大大皆皆是好莱坞厂牌的电影。《哪吒2》冬季上映,如今即加入十亿好意思元俱乐部,令东说念主印象久了,尤其是对一部非好莱坞电影来讲。 Making $1 billion at the box office is an impressive feat. It is so tough that only 58 movies have ever achieved this milestone. The majority of films that cross the $1 billion threshold are sequels to major franchises. 达到10亿好意思元票房是一个令东说念主惊艳的建设。这个打算相配难以已矣,天下仅有58部电影达到了这一里程碑。大大皆突破10亿好意思元票房的电影皆是大型系列电影的续集。 The box office success of Ne Zha 2 proves once again just how vital the Chinese market is at today's box office. For a winter release to end up a $1 billion movie is impressive, especially when it is a movie removed from the conventional Hollywood system. 《哪吒2》的票房见效再次说明了中国阛阓在今天的票房中是何等进击。一部冬季上映的电影最终票房达到10亿好意思元,这令东说念主印象久了,尤其是当它是一部脱离传统好莱坞体系的电影。 ![]() Screen Rant合计,跟着电影在国际阛阓的亮相,它最终的天下票房相配值得期待。 If Ne Zha 2 has a bigger international rollout, it will be interesting to see how far its initial momentum can take it. 如若《哪吒2》在国际上有更大的试验,望望它率先的势头能把它带向多远将会很意旨。 “确实毫无悬念将成为天下最卖座动画” 文娱网站Collider写说念,《哪吒2》的票房涓滴莫得放缓的迹象,在莫得在国际上映的情况下,就已加入有史以来票房最高的动画电影梯队。 The Chinese blockbuster Ne Zha 2 is in no mood to slow down at the box office. The animated sequel debuted around two weeks ago in its home market, and still hasn't been rolled out internationally. But it's already among the highest-grossing animated movies of all time. ![]() Collider:中国电影《哪吒 2》将在国际电影票房挑战的大片 ▊“史无先例的单一阛阓票房” 所谓天下单一阛阓票房,是相对天下总票房而言,一部电影在单惟一个国度创造的票房。现时在这个数据上,《哪吒 2》还是成为天下第一,迥殊了《星球大战:原力醒觉》在北好意思创下的收成。 Collider惊叹中国不雅众的浪费智商:这数字如实是前所未有的。 No film in history has delivered a bigger gross in a single country. The record was previously held by Star Wars: Episode VI - The Force Awakens, which made $936 million in North America around a decade ago. According to Maoyan, Ne Zha 2 could hit the $2 billion milestone in China alone. These kinds of numbers are truly unprecedented. ![]() 而Collider更是乐不雅展望,《哪吒2》将至少毫无悬念地迥殊《头脑特工队2》的16亿好意思元天下票房拿下天下最卖座动画,况兼将在莫得国际阛阓一分钱的情况下就已矣这一打算。 Ne Zha 2 is all but guaranteed to eventually pass Inside Out 2's $1.6 billion global haul to become the highest-grossing animated movie of all time. And it'll accomplish this without a penny from international markets. all but guaranteed 确实不错保证 该著述暗示,有史以来只须6部电影的天下票房迥殊了20亿好意思元,而其中三部是卡梅隆导演的。包括《阿凡达》(29亿好意思元)、《阿凡达3:水之说念》(23亿好意思元)和《泰坦尼克号》(22亿好意思元)。 珠玉在前,就望望咱们吒儿能走多远了。 ![]() Only six movies in history have passed the $2 billion mark at the global box office, and three of them have been directed by James Cameron. The highest-grossing film of all time remains Avatar ($2.9 billion), followed by Avengers: Endgame ($2.7 billion), Avatar: The Way of Water ($2.3 billion), Titanic ($2.2 billion), Avengers: Infinity War ($2 billion), and The Force Awakens ($2 billion). Collider暗示,《哪吒2》在原土上映的时段恰是最能赢利(lucrative)的春节档,并暗示,在本周五(14日)上线国际档后将合手续报说念。 激起中国东说念主的民族自重感 除了充满期待的电影、文娱类行业媒体,一些西方老牌时政媒体也从社会、经济和民族心理等角度分析了风景级的《哪吒 2》。 来源来看BBC,著述的标题是《这部中国电影激起了民族自重感,几天内狂揽10亿好意思元票房》。不少网友暗示,这篇著述果然莫得阴阳,迪士尼 彩乐园较为客不雅地梳理了电影的见效和背后的原因。 ![]() BBC:中国电影激起了民族自重感,几天内狂揽10亿好意思元票房 著述写说念,《哪吒2》还是成为了民族自重感的来源。中国即便领有宽绰的阛阓,电影水平却曾一度制肘于好莱坞,而这部电影则被视为是中国电影的跳动。 Ne Zha 2 is being hailed as a symbol of progress in Chinese film, which has long trailed Hollywood despite a massive domestic market. 《哪吒2》被誉为中国电影跳动的标记,尽管中国领有遍及的原土阛阓,但中国电影一直以来皆过期于好莱坞。 To Chinese viewers, Ne Zha 2 shows how locally-made films are becoming competitive globally. 对中国不雅众来说,《哪吒2》展示了原土制作的电影如安在天下边界内变得更具竞争力。 ![]() 现时,一世爱凑整数的中国东说念主正在海表里为哪吒冲票房,开启“百亿补贴”:“它不错是80亿,不错是110亿,但等于不能以是90亿!” BBC也关注到中国网友自愿为吒儿刷票房的情况: Some hope it could earn another $1bn and surpass the world's highest-grossing film of all time, 2009's Avatar. 有些东说念主但愿它粗略再赚取10亿好意思元,超越天下影史最高票房电影《阿凡达》。 \"Now it's over to the Chinese people overseas to chip in,\" read one comment on Weibo. “现时看外洋中国东说念主的了。”一条微博批驳写说念。 而纽约时报的不雅点则格外激进。暗示《哪吒2》的大获见效,预示着比起好莱坞大片,中国不雅众的审好意思取向愈加倾向于国产电影。 ![]() 纽约时报:谁还需要好莱坞!?中国动画电影冲突票房记载 著述列举《长津湖》等电影案例,称如今在中国冲突记录的电影,更多时刻是原土电影: The few films that break through the malaise are no longer Hollywood titles, but domestic features teeming with patriotic messaging or rooted in traditional Chinese culture or folklore. 那些突破千里寂的电影不再是好莱坞大片,而是充满爱国步地或根植于中国传统文化与民间故事的原土电影。 malaise 凄怨 低迷 ▊“传统文化成为中国票房仙丹” 《纽约时报》还征引中国日报的批驳著述,称这部电影意味着中国东说念主夺回了我方讲故事的职权,而不是依赖于西方叙事体系中的中国故事: China Daily said in an opinion essay that “Ne Zha 2” symbolizes the country’s “growing cultural confidence.” It called it evidence that China’s entertainment industry is telling its own stories instead of relying on Western studios to make movies based on Chinese folklore, citing “Mulan” from Walt Disney Studios as an example. 《中国日报》在一篇社论中暗示,《哪吒2》标记着中国“日益增长的文化自信”。著述称,这部电影说明了中国文娱产业正叙述我方的故事,而不是依赖西方制片厂来把柄中国的民间外传拍摄电影,例如如迪士尼的《花木兰》。 “‘Ne Zha 2’ reclaims the storytelling mantle, proving that no one can narrate China’s myths better than China itself,” the essay stated. 著述写说念:“《哪吒2》重新夺回了讲故事的职权,说明莫得东说念主比中国更能把我方的神话故事讲好。” ![]() 迪斯尼1998年电影《花木兰》 著述还用灵感取自《西纪行》的《黑神话:悟空》例如,称中国传统文化也激励了其他文娱面容的突破。 Traditional Chinese culture has also inspired breakthroughs in other forms of entertainment. In video games, Black Myth: Wukong, based on a classic 16th-century Chinese novel called “Journey to the West,” was an instant hit when it came out last year. ![]() 这一不雅点和《南华早报》著述殊途同归,本年春节档,《封神2》和《哪吒 2》皆是灵感取自于中国古代神话的电影,这也成为了新的“票房仙丹”。 ![]() 《南华早报》:《哪吒2》:中国古代故事是动画电影见效的制胜规章 著述暗示,现时将中国传统文化与当代本事纠合的作品正在取得生意上的见效,这在中国正成为一种社会趋势。 It is this reignited passion for traditional Chinese culture that has also seen success for similar entertainment, including Tang Dynasty-inspired blockbuster 30,000 Miles from Changan, and classic novel-based action game Black Myth: Wukong. 恰是这种对中国传统文化的重新点火的柔软,让访佛的文娱面容也获取了见效,包括以唐朝为灵感的大片《长安三万里》,以及基于经典名著的当作游戏《黑神话:悟空》。 基于传统文化的作品正在给文艺阛阓以震憾,但因此而判断中国不雅众的审好意思正趋向单一化或“民族办法化”也大可不消。 因为当你实在走进影院看了《哪吒2》等国产电影,你就会惊叹,“中国东说念主仰望《功夫熊猫》那些好莱坞动画片并啧啧称奇的期间适度了。” 承认中国电影的跳动不应该是件难事。 12月23日,一项与深色小胶质细胞和有毒脂质分泌相关的神经退行性细胞应激反应的研究发表在《Neuron》杂志上。 很多人说:“给自己买任何喜欢的东西、吃任何想吃的食物,就是爱自己。” 裁剪:李雪晴 来源:纽约时报 BBC 南华早报 Collider Screen Rant等 |